033112 / Congratulations, Mom!

11:29 PM

Mom's graduation.
Left: Le Mom's Outfit. Right: Le Mom with Le Nido.

Yes, yes. My mom graduated again. Haha! And this is what she wore. I told her that we're like a liberated family. She's wearing that dress with a wig and a killer heels. Me, I wore a Black Floral Short Jumpsuit. Then my sister and dad.. They don't look that liberated. My sister wore a Silk clothed polo with a heels. She looks so formal. Then my dad.. The usual, he wore his polo shirt with leader shoes. I think.

The ceremony starts @2pm and ended @4pm. How amazing. Ambilis natapos. But they're 800 students there. Or less? I don't know. But the emcee said that they're like 800-ish students there taking vocational courses. Someday, I'll be one of those students. I still don't know which course will I take :)) Hahaha!

More Photos of Mom. Unfortunately, she didn't wear her awesome wig and her killer heels during the shoot. =))))

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