040212 / Let's get Feminish.

7:12 PM

Let's get Feminish and Feel the Summer Breeze.
Le Outfit.

Since I got bored and realized that I have nothing to do with my life but wake up, eat, sleep, watch tv, take a bath and wait for electricity before class starts again. So, I came up with this look by using my old white skirt, my sister's checkered pink and white polo, skinned toned colored flat shoes, brown belt, violet tassel earrings, red striped shoulder bag, maroon bow and some accessories. I don't own all of what i'm using. Some are of my mom's and my sisters'. I think I only own the Skirt, shoes and bracelet :))

More Photos!
Not posting all photos here cause i'm too lazy to wait for it to upload. So, if you like to see the complete set of photos go to my photoblog. :)

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