Top wishlist..
8:36 PM
Since Christmas is fast approaching. Its like 4 days from now. And my 18th birthday also is fast approaching, I just want to post my wishlist here. Although I know its impossible to have them -_- Tsk.
1. iPod. Any of the 3 iPods. But its better if its the iPod touch since i'm vain, I can use the camera and also the applications and games are useful especially when i'm alone at school ;) But.. Its okay any of the 3.
2. SLR. Ever since I was born, I just want to have a nice camera that can take beautiful photos and videos.
3. Female Mannequin. So that, I don't have to wear the clothes just to mix and match them. I'll just put them in the mannequin and see if the matching's nice or not. Haha! Advantage: this is will lessen my outfit photos! :)
As of now.. Yan muna :)
But I'll accept happily & wholeheartedly whatever gift somebody will give me.