School Girl

7:20 PM

Summer is coming! So is our Final Examinations =(

Because exam-slash-finals week is coming, I ended up having the school girl look. Will be very busy cause I have to study and review very well for the upcoming exams coz my grades will depend on it. Meaning, I have no choice but to study -_- Buti nalang, instead of taking 9 exams next week, I will only be taking 4 exams which is Math, CS, Entre and Tax. I took early examination on Risk Management, while Production Management and the 2 Law courses required us to submit paper works and last but not the list, I will be having my defense with my groupmates the week after exam week on our CSR Research Paper. So yeah, that's my student life. 

GOD BLESS TO US. Study well but don't forget to pray. 
Also, avoid cheating ;) Hahaha


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  1. Always bumping in to your blog, since your the only schoolmate I know who uses blogspot, you should more often. :)

  2. Aww thanks Jade! I'll try since I usually forgot to update my blog :)
