
2:28 PM

Its been an hour and 28 minutes since the date changed. Guess what, today's the day. I'm 19. I've change the privacy of my birthday information from "Public" to "Only Me" Yes. No one would see, No one would know. This time, I made up my mind. I would not let the world know that its my birthday. Let the people know that its my birthday. In this way, I will know the people who thinks i'm important, that I have a value in their life. People who thinks i'm special. Then I will only appreciate the birthday greeting.

I do appreciate greeting from strangers tho. I really do. But I don't know, its more like popularity stuff that people you don't know greet you. Its not that nag-i-inarte ako. I know the feeling that a lot of people greets you on your day. Strangers, classmates, your friends who aren't that close to you, friends of friends. They greet you whenever you are walking on the hallway. You feel really special. I know. But I don't know what happened to me and people might kinda think that I'm crazy but.. I kind of got sick of it. This time, I want real people to greet me on my day. I want to know the people who really remembers my birthday. Its that simple. 

I want to know who my real friends are. And from the looks of it, only one of my friends greeted me. The one who is far far away. My best friend who is now on London. Yes, I really appreciate tho. I know some of my friends forgot about my birthday or they were just sleeping as of the moment. I don't want to expect something big cause I might end up disappointed. I guess the saying "Expect for the Worst and Hope for the Best" comes in. I was hoping that my friends would remember my birthday but yeah, who am I kidding? I was spacing out for quite some time now and I know, no one would remember unless one of them will post a super public birthday greeting maybe on IG, Twitter or Facebook. But like what I've expected, none of my closest friends will remember my birthday and none of the strangers, schoolmates and not-so-close-friends will know that the "Aries of 1995" in my twitter and IG bio is today. I guess.

So there it is, Happy 19th to me. Yey (insert sarcastic facial expression here) Hope we all spend the day praying cause today is Good Friday!

Love lots, Birthday girl

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