
7:09 PM

Pairing up something sweet and bitter would result in to a perfect match. Does this imply to food alone? Or this can be also implied with lovelife? Haha oops!


 Hello there! I've decided to go home early today since my back is aching (since of aging, oops!) So far, it felt good to be home early from school cause I usually go home when the sky's dark and the street and car lights are on, very unusual to go home with the sun's up. Hahaha so much for the chika. It feels so good to go home empty stomach and a chocolate spread, wheat bread and black coffee is waiting for me. Ahhh! Feels <3

So, why I'm eating random thought popped out my mind. Char langs! Hahaha. How can a pair of something sweet and bitter taste so good and so perfect? (Or am I just that hungry?) I just thought, is a pair of a sweet person and bitter one could be perfect as well just the same as the food? Hahaha

So, that's all. So happy I've got enough time to blog since yesterday was really busy day for me. Morning, we attended mass at morning, baked cupcakes at the afternoon and attended a debut party at night. Plus, my bad practice of sleeping late is back again that's why I look more terrible than the usual. Yeah, I don't care what I look like in school. What's important is my grades, my friends, my family and my cupcakes. Looks are only important if its for IG or blog. Hahahaha! Atm, I don't feel like impressing people with my looks when I have really nothing to be proud of.

So that's my randomness. Thanks for wasting your precious time to read this (I must really be that important to you, chars). Hahaha!

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